Andy Hergan Fund


There are three motivators for this initiative.

  1. Reinforcing Delta Pi's identity,

  2. Impacting Greek Life at BU,

  3. Honoring Andy Hergan.

Delta Pi's identity- We are extraordinary! We do BIG things that have never been done by other BU Greek orgs. We are at our best when we are told by the world "You can't do that!" and our response is "GFY, hold my beer!" (First social Frat, first to buy a house, first to retire the IFC Cup, first to form a fully functioning Alumni Assc, Grand Reunions, etc)

Greek Life at BU- After being told that Greek Life was no longer sanctioned at BU we are now hearing that they are going to reinstate Greek Life but it will only be for a limited number of NATIONAL organizations. We have been LOCAL for most of our 50+ years and BU needs to understand they are excluding the best fraternity on campus if they demand a National affiliation.

Andy Hergan- Andy's recent passing has highlighted a life that had huge impacts on Delta Pi, BU, the Town of Bloomsburg, and the Special Needs community of Central Pa. He crossed all of those lines and managed to be a respected and beloved member of all those groups.

So how do these diverse motivations come together?

DPSPAA launches an $10K fund raising drive that is "Delta Pi Big", shows that Delta Pi may be local but can do things that no one else would even attempt, and benefits the entire Cental Pa region while honoring one of it's favorite sons.

We use our DPSPAA Scholarship Foundation (501c3) to collect tax deductible contribtions that are consolidated into a single "Delta Pi" contribution to the Andrew M Hergan Transition Fund. (This fund issues an annual scholarship to a Special Needs Student within Central Pa to help them transition from high school into a meaningful adult life.) We do a good thing to help special needs kids and get some great PR while honoring one of our brothers. In the process we remind BU and the entire Greek Community that Delta Pi leads the way!

You can donate right on this page by picking and amount, and a scholarship and the selecting, “add to Cart”. After that, simple click “check out” using the cart icon.

Our ultimate goal is to make a $10K contribution to the Andrew M Hergan Transition Award Fund.

Here is how the Susquehana Education Foundation describes that fund:

"In 2008, the Andrew M. Hergan Transition Education Award was established to recognize a high school junior in a special education program who embodies compassion and a willingness to assist others as they navigate life beyond high school. This award honors the enduring commitment of Andy Hergan, a teacher and consultant who devoted his life to guiding students with disabilities through their transition to adulthood.

Andy's philosophy was simple yet powerful: he encouraged students to "soar like eagles," a reference to one of his favorite sports teams, reminding them that despite obstacles, they possess the strength to rise above challenges and achieve their dreams. His approach was characterized by natural compassion, a sharp sense of humor, and exceptional interpersonal skills, which collectively enhanced the transition planning process for countless students.

As we continue to celebrate Andy's remarkable contributions to the field of education, we invite you to join us in ensuring the lasting impact of the Andrew M. Hergan Transition Education Award. Your generous donation will support the recognition of students who exemplify the qualities that Andy championed and will help preserve his legacy for future generations.

Your contribution in honor of Andy's dedication to empowering students with disabilities is deeply appreciated. Together, we can keep his spirit alive and inspire students to soar to new heights."


To contribute:

If you prefer to mail a check:

Checks made to-Delta Pi Sigma Pi Scholarship Foundation

c/o Ed Minner 761 Whitebriar Rd Hockessin DE 19707